Automatic Electric Switch

AUTOVON building.  This building has a roof mounted sprinkler system to
wash radiation off the roof from fallout.  Building is currently abandoned.

Another shot.  Note on far right hand side of photo is one of the KS horms from the
AT&T site.

AT&T microwave relay site Delta Utah. This tower spans the AT&T SLC-Los Angeles fiber.. This site also used to bounce traffic to another site at Leamington Summit, and from Leamington east over the mountains. If you look at the the microwave route below you'll note a small jog in the lower microwave path in Utah.  Traffic here went from Salt Lake City (the upper transcontinental traffic path) west to Scipio, then split paths at Scipio. One path went south to Meadow, then over to a site in the Cricket  Mountains. The other path from Scipio went to Delta. At Delta, one path went west across the Nevada desert. The other path went to Leamington, then to Ephraim Summit (10,000 ft. + high) then to Green River, and then into Colorado.  (Photos and technical info courtesy of Daryl R. Gibson).

Map of AT&T Routes in Utah circa 1972.  Solid lines are radio,
dotted lines are L Coaxial cable.

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