GPS Location:
40o 43.451' 79o 24.793'
Located on SR 20250 west of SR 2005, South of RT 422, West of Elderton, Armstrong County, PA.
Elderton was a Power-Feed Main Station on the Finland-Lillyville L4 route. It has been purchased from AT&T by the adjacent homeowner who was kind enough to give me a tour and let me take these pictures. The owner indicated that all the equipment was removed about 1992. Elderton has the standard complement of 3 blast valves around the perimeter of the property, and the owner said that there was a beehive-shaped object, probably a gamma ray detector on the roof of the entrance building. The next station east of here was Laurelton, and west is Lillyville. The station is VERY remote and difficult to find. The L-cable right of way is currently abandoned, although the owner believes that AT&T may be planning on a future fiber route along the existing ROW.
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Photos taken 7/5/2000.
©2000 Michael W. Jacobs. Commerical use prohibited without permission.