Books and Magazines
"A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell System (Transmission Technologies 1925-1975)" AT&T Bell Labatories, 1985
"Strategic Command and Control" Bruce Blair, 1985
"A History of Engineering & Science in the Bell System" Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1978
"Managing Nuclear Operations" Ashton Carter, 1987
"Nuclear Battlefields - Global Links in the Arms Race" William Arkin, 1985
"L-4 Coaxial System" Bell Laboratories Record, July-August 1967
"The L-4 Coaxial System" The Bell System Technical Journal, Volume 48, April 1969
"Command and Control of Nuclear Forces" Paul Bracken 1983
"MITRE The First Twenty Years" The Mitre Corporation 1979
"Strategic Air Command - People, Aircraft, and Missiles" Norman Polmar 1979
"Operation Survival" Bell Laboratories Record January 1969
"Polygrid Network for AUTOVON" Bell Laboratories Record, July-August 1968
"AUTOVON Switching Network for Global Defense" Bell Laboratories Record, April 1968
"AUTOVON Switched Service Networks" AT&T Co. Standard Sect 309-200-101, March 1981
"Description of the NORAD/ADC Network" AT&T Practice
Standard Sect 309-203-100, August 1963
Ray Boss, AT&T
Ed Dayhill - Chesterfield Public Works
Charlie Dunne - Telephone Museum
Charles Elmendorf - Bell Labs (retired)
Bruce Fitzgerald - AT&T (retired)
COL Frank Faulkner - USAF (retired)
Rick Havens - AT&T
Kirk Henshaw - AT&T (retired)
Frank Keefe - Chesterfield Products
Charlie Kramp - AT&T (retired)
Dick Moran - National Communications System
Roger Perkins - FEMA
Leon Stieff - Western Electric (retired)
Dick Thibeau - AT&T
Jim Turk - FEMA