Transmitter building.
Terraserver photo showing antenna fields.
TD-2 tower.
Antenna field.
Nice shot of open wire transmission lines.
Pennsuco had originally been merely a TD-2 repeater, the most southerly on the route down the Everglades along US 27. When it was time to clear the HF transmitters out of Ojus (TRT shut down its HF operations), ATT built a whole new remote controlled HF plant (a bit smaller since HF operations were shrinking) at Pennsuco.
From the USCG website: FCC permits AT&T to Close High Seas Coast
20 Sep 99. In a Report and Order released Aug 9, 1999, the FCC
authorized AT&T to discontinue its High Seas HF radio-telephone service
through its three Maritime Mobile Public Coast Stations, KMI (at Dixon,
California), WOM (at Pennsuco, Florida) and WOO (at Ocean Gate,
New Jersey), effective October 8, 1999. Although the USCG cannot
compensate for this loss of service, it will continue to accept HF
radiotelephone distress and safety calls on 2182 kHz and selected HF
channels, and will also continue to broadcast weather information on 2670
kHz and selected HF frequencies and schedules. The USCG
regrets to see these stations close, but is thankful for the years of faithful
provided by AT&T and its employees in operating these stations
for the maritime community. See copy of FCC