Original SCAN Facility
Formerly 4 Wire No 5 Crossbar
Formerly No. 5 Dial Service Assistance Switchboard (AUTOVON)
Most likely now a 5ESS

Monrovia Tower.

Hardened TD-2 microwave dish.  Photos courtesy of A. LaFrance.

Hardened TD-2 dish from another angle. Photo courtesy Gosh Grubman.  This dish shoots to  Leesburg 5 (Short Hill)
one of the original AT&T communications sites to support the Alternate National Command Center at Raven Rock.
Note nuclear detonation device on top of structure.  Communications routes from this site  are shown on this map.

Satellite photo of Monrovia site.

Microwave and L CRX routes in the DC area circa 1972.  Monrovia is the black square on left middle of diagram
with 4 L CRX routes and 5 radio routes.  L CRX routes are dotted and radio routes are solid.

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