Entrance to underground.
Main gate
AUTOVON test board decal.
USGS aerial photo.
From the DISA Manual: The Dranesville, VA Network Management
Center (NMC) supports the
Global Operations and Security Center (GOSC) in the Western Hemisphere.
This facility, owned
and operated by AT&T, maintains near-real-time network information.
Within the constraints
imposed by the GOSC, the Network Management Center (NMC) directs the implementation
of network
control procedures in the Western Hemisphere switching centers. The
Dranesville NMC may
implement up to 100 percent directionalization and alternate route cancellation
consulting the GOSC. The GOSC must approve other network controls
before AT&T implementation.
The AT&T NMC reports to the GOSC any significant commercial landline
cable, carrier system, or
other facility failures affecting DSN circuits. AT&T also reports
any condition that could
result in major service interruptions. The GOSC has direct control
over the Panama and Alaska
switches for network management administration.